Sunday, May 29, 2016

Translating Old Love Letters least I think they're old love letters.

A few years ago, my dad found a box of old letters. They appear to be old love letters, possibly from the 1920s-30s. I only have a few of the letters, sadly. I wish he still had the box, but it's long gone now. I've tried my luck at translating them a couple of times, but I just can't make out the handwriting on a few them.

 July 25 (July 25, or July 1925?)

 You little sweet thing. How on earth an 
iceberg of a girl like you could possibly 
write such a letter is beyond me. Honestly
Dear that letter was as nice a letter as you
could have written and how it cheered me. The
boys all kidded me about "well we won't
get much work out of Howard today since
he has his nose pushed into his newspaper."
That letter still has me going round & round.

If you can read these, please feel free to let me know what they say! I know they're just meaningless letters, but it would be fun to actually know what they say. It's kind of interesting to me!