Sunday, January 24, 2016

Football Rant #1

The Denver Broncos did it again, they are going to another SuperBowl!

I'm so proud of this team! ...but most of all, really proud of Peyton. He's gotten a lot of hate over the years just because he's a good QB, bottom line. He had a rough season, and as a fan it was pretty hard to watch. The guy is a class act on and off of the field, hate him or love him, and he will always be one of the greatest football players to ever play in the NFL. We'll be hearing about him for a while, so you better get used to it.

Congrats to the Patriots and the Cardinals, they both had really great seasons, and the fact that they made it as far as they did says a lot. You have to be a good team to make it into the NFL Playoffs, and you have to be the best team so that you can continue to advance.

Sure, people are always going to say that teams "suck" when they don't make it to (and win) the SuperBowl, but those people aren't real sports fans. They're people who more than likely just sit on the internet, waiting for the opportunity to start any possible type of argument that they can start, because they're obviously bored and don't have much better to do. It also bothers me how people claim to be fans of a specific team and then bash an individual on that team because of a bad play or just bad plays in general. If you like a team, you don't talk crap about the team, the players, or the staff. Show some class ffs.

Carolina is going to be a really tough team, and we all don't want a repeat of the last SuperBowl where Denver faced Seattle... Obviously, I want the Broncos to win it all, but win or lose, it's been an incredibly fun fucking season to watch!

I've said it on Twitter already, but I'll say it again: I love this team, I love their fans and I LOVE the great state of Colorado!


(I haven't blogged in a while, so hopefully my grammar will improve a bit over time...)