Sunday, December 22, 2013

Life Changing Shit... / Crohn's Disease

It's been a little while since I updated this thing, and this time I actually have something to talk about!

At around the beginning of this year, I began noticing that I was starting to feel "different". I started feeling sick at my stomach a lot, and it got so bad that it stopped me from doing daily things. It eventually just got worse to the point where I couldn't even hold down 3 or 4 bites of food without feeling the need to puke. I finally went to the hospital about it a few weeks ago, and after having a colonoscopy I have found out that I have Crohn's Disease.

I will be starting a medication soon called Remicade that can only be given through a 2-hour IV infusion. I will eventually get to the point where I will do this every 8 weeks, probably for the rest of my life, if all goes well.

Although it does suck to be me. I'm definitely trying to make the best of what's left to live of my life. It's crazy, but in a way, being diagnosed with CD has sort of opened up my eyes to living a little bit more. I always used to be so sour towards everything, and now that I actually have a reason to be sour towards everything, it's like I don't even want to be that way anymore. That was the old me, this is the new me.

Having a positive attitude is the key to a happy life, no God required.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Damn Right

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." - George Bernard Shaw