Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Well, let's get this shit started, shall we? I have no clue what this is going to be about, but, anyway...

I can't wait until the 360 update with Facebook, and Twitter! It feels like I've been waiting forever since they first showed us a glimpse of the shit, now I can't wait to try it all out. I actually got to beta test the most recent update (The gold membership for so many years thing, the new added avatar props, etc...) and it was pretty bad ass. Hopefully MS will let some people beta test this next release too.

Hurry that shit up! Microsoft!

Also, Quake LIVE fucking owns. It's quake, but it can be played in a browser, with your friends and all! Shawn Caution told me about it, and I'm fucking glad he did, the game is awesome! My name on there is Ar4vix. I fucked up the first time on my email part of the registration somehow mysteriously, and I couldn't get my original "Aravix" name, so, I had to settle with this name.

The Aravix name has sort of felt dead to me ever since I figured out there was an actual company called "Aravix", though. I think it's some German auto-part website, I'm not really that sure.